9.2 Configure your offers and decision
Offer Decisioning - Configure your Offers and Decision ID
Last updated
Offer Decisioning - Configure your Offers and Decision ID
Last updated
In this exercise, you'll create four Personalized Offers. Here are the details to take into account when creating those offers:
--demoProfileLdap-- - Nadia Elements Shell
today - 1 month later
{{ profile.person.name.firstName }}, 10% discount on Nadia Elements Shell
all - Female Customers
English (United States)
--demoProfileLdap-- - Radiant Tee
today - 1 month later
{{ profile.person.name.firstName }}, 5% discount on Radiant Tee
all - Female Customers
English (United States)
--demoProfileLdap-- - Zeppelin Yoga Pant
today - 1 month later
{{ profile.person.name.firstName }}, 10% discount on Zeppelin Yoga Pant
all - Male Customers
English (United States)
--demoProfileLdap-- - Proteus Fitness Jackshirt
today - 1 month later
{{ profile.person.name.firstName }}, 5% discount on Proteus Fitness Jackshirt
all - Male Customers
English (United States)
Login to Adobe Journey Optimizer by going to Adobe Experience Cloud. Click Journey Optimizer.
You'll be redirected to the Home view in Journey Optimizer. First, make sure you're using the correct sandbox. The sandbox to use is called --aepSandboxId--
. To change from one sandbox to another, click on PRODUCTION Prod (VA7) and select the sandbox from the list. In this example, the sandbox is named AEP Enablement FY22. You'll then be in the Home view of your sandbox --aepSandboxId--
In the left menu, click Offers and then go to Offers. Click + Create Offer.
You'll then see this popup. Select Personalized offer and click Next.
You're now on the Details view.
In this case, you need to configure the offer --demoProfileLdap-- - Nadia Elements Shell
. Use the information in the table above to fill out the fields. In this example, the name of the Personalized Offer is vangeluw - Nadia Elements Shell. Also, set the Start date and time to yesterday, and set the End date and time to a date in a month from now.
Once done, you should have this. Click Next.
You now need to create Representations. Representations are a combination of a Placement and a real asset.
For Representation 1, select:
Channel: Web
Placement: Web - Image
Content: URL
Public location: copy the URL from the column Image Link for Web in the above table
Alternatively, you can select Asset library for the content and then click Browse.
You'll then see a popup of the Assets Library, go to the folder enablement-assets and select the image file nadia-web.png. Then, click Select.
You'll then see this:
Click + Add Representation.
For Representation 2, select:
Channel: Email
Placement: Email - Image
Content: URL
Public location: copy the URL from the column Image Link for Email in the above table
Alternatively, you can select Asset library for the content and then click Browse.
You'll then see a popup of the Assets Library, go to the folder enablement-assets and select the image file nadia-email.png. Then, click Select.
You'll then see this:
Next, click + Add representation.
For Representation 3, select:
Channel: Non-digital
Placement: Non-digital - Text
Next, you need to add content. In this case that means adding the text to be used as a call to action.
Click Add Content.
You'll then see this popup.
Select Custom text and fill out these fields:
Look at the Text field from the above table and enter that text here, in this case: {{ profile.person.name.firstName }}, 10% discount on Nadia Elements Shell
You'll also notice that you can select any profile attribute and include it as a dynamic field in the offer text. In this example, the field {{ profile.person.name.firstName }}
will ensure that the first name of the customer that will receive this offer will be included in the offer text.
You'll then see this. Click Save.
You now have this. Click Next.
You'll then see this:
Select By defined decision rule and click the + icon to add the rule all - Female Customers.
You'll then see this. Fill out the Priority as indicated in the above table. Click Next.
You'll then see an overview of your new Personalized Offer.
Finally, click Save and approve.
You'll then see your newly created Personalized Offer become available in the Offers Overview:
You should now repeat the above steps to create the three other Personalized Offers for the products Radiant Tee, Zeppelin Yoga Pant and Proteus Fitness Jackshirt.
When done, your Offer Overviews screen for Personalized Offers should show all your offers.
After having created four Personalized Offers, you should now configure a Fallback Offer.
Make sure you're in the Offers view:
Click + Create Offer.
You'll then see this popup. Select Fallback offer and click Next.
You'll then see this:
Enter this name for your fallback offer: --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Fallback Offer
. Click Next.
You now need to create Representations. Representations are a combination of a Placement and a real asset.
For Representation 1, select:
Channel: Web
Placement: Web - Image
Content: URL
Public location: https://bit.ly/3nBOt9h
Alternatively, you can select Asset library for the content and then click Browse.
You'll then see a popup of the Assets Library, go to the folder enablement-assets and select the image file spriteyogastraps-web.png. Then, click Select.
You'll then see this:
For Representation 2, select:
Channel: Email
Placement: Email - Image
Content: URL
Public location: https://bit.ly/3nF4qvE
Alternatively, you can select Asset library for the content and then click Browse.
You'll then see a popup of the Assets Library, go to the folder enablement-assets and select the image file spriteyogastraps-email.png. Then, click Select.
You'll then see this:
Next, click + Add representation.
For Representation 3, select:
Channel: Non-digital
Placement: Non-digital - Text
Next, you need to add content. In this case that means adding the Image Link.
Click Add Content.
You'll then see this popup.
Select Custom text and fill out these fields:
Enter the text {{ profile.person.name.firstName }}, discover our Sprite Yoga Straps!
and click Save.
You'll then see this. Click Next.
You'll then see an overview of your new Fallback Offer. Click Finish.
Finally, click Save and approve.
In your Offer Overviews screen, you'll now see this:
A Collection is used to filter out a sub-set of offers from the personalized offer list and use that as part of an Decision in order to speed up the decision process.
Go to Collections. Click + Create Collection.
You'l then see this popup. Configure your Collection like this. Click Next.
Collection name: use --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Collection
Select Create static collection.
In the next screen, select the four Personalized Offers you created in the previous exercise. Click Save.
You'll now see this:
A Decision combines Placements, a Collection of Personalized Offers and a Fallback Offer to ultimately be used by the Offer Decisioning engine to find the best offer for a specific profile, based on each of the individual personalized offer characteristics like priority, eligibility constraint and total / user capping.
To configure your Decision, go to Decisions. Click + Create Activity.
You'll then see this:
Fill out the fields like this. Click Next.
Name: --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Decision
Start date and time: yesterday
End date and time: today + 1 month
In the next screen, you need to add placements into decision scopes. You'll need to create decision scopes for the placements Web - Image, Email - Image and Non-digital - Text.
First, create the decision scope for Non-digital - Text by selecting that placement in the dropdown. Then, click the Add button to add evaluation criteria.
Select your collection --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Collection
and click Add.
You'll then see this. Click the - button to add a new decision scope.
Select the placement Web - Image and add your collection --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Collection
under evaluation criteria. Then, click the + button again to add a new decision scope.
Select the placement Email - Image and add your collection --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Collection
under evaluation criteria. Then, click Next.
You now need to select your Fallback Offer, which is named --demoProfileLdap-- - Luma Fallback Offer
. Click Next.
Review your decision. Click Finish.
In the popup, click Save and activate.
And finally, you'll now see your decision in the overview:
You've now successfully configured your decision. Your decision is now live, and can be used to deliver optimized and personalized offers to your customers, in real-time.