7.2 Create your journey and email message

Journey Optimizer Create your email message

In this exercise, you'll configure the journey and the message that needs to be triggered when someone creates an account on the demo website.

Login to Adobe Journey Optimizer by going to Adobe Experience Cloud. Click Journey Optimizer.


You'll be redirected to the Home view in Journey Optimizer. First, make sure you're using the correct sandbox. The sandbox to use is called --aepSandboxId--. To change from one sandbox to another, click on PRODUCTION Prod (VA7) and select the sandbox from the list. In this example, the sandbox is named AEP Enablement FY22. You'll then be in the Home view of your sandbox --aepSandboxId--.


7.2.1 Create your journey

In the left menu, click Journeys. Next, click Create Journey to create a new journey.


You'll then see an empty journey screen.


In the previous exercise, you created a new Event. You named it like this ldapAccountCreationEvent and replaced ldap with your ldap. This was the result of the Event creation:


You now need to take this event as the start of this Journey. You can do this by going to the left side of your screen and searching for your event in the list of events.


Select your event, drag and drop it on the Journey canvas. Your Journey now looks like this:


As the second step in the journey, you need to add a short Wait step. Go to the left side of your screen to the Orchestration section to find this. You'll be using profile attributes and need to make sure they are populated into the Real-time Customer Profile.


Your journey now looks like this. On the right side of the screen you need to configure the wait time. Set it to 1 minute. This will give plenty of time for the profile attributes to be available after the event fires.


Click Ok to save your changes.

As the third step in the journey, you need to add an Email action. Go to the left side of your screen to Actions, select the Email action, then drag and drop it on the second node in your journey. You now see this.


Set the Category to Marketing and select an email surface that enables you to send email. In this case, the email surface to select is Email. Ensure that the checkboxes for Clicks on email and email opens are both enabled.


The next step is to create your message. To do that, click Edit content.


7.2.2 Create your message

To create your message, click Edit content.


You now see this.


Click the Subject line text field.

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In the text area start writing Hi

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The subject line is not done yet. Next you need to bring in the personalization token for the field First name which is stored under profile.person.name.firstName. In the left menu, scroll down to find the Person element and click on the arrow to go a level deeper.

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Now find the Full name element and click on the arrow to go a level deeper.

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Finally, find the First name field and click on the + sign next to it. You'll then see the personalization token appear in the text field.

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Next, add the text , thank you for signing up!. Click Save.

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You'll then be back here. Click Email Designer to create the email's content.

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In the next screen you will be prompted with 3 different methods to provide the email's content:

  • Design from scratch: Start with a blank canvas and use the WYSIWYG-editor to drag and drop structure and content components to visually build up the email's content.

  • Code your own: Create your own email template by coding it using HTML

  • Import HTML: Import an existing HTML template, which you'll be able to edit.

Click Design from scratch.

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In the left menu, you'll find the structure components that you can use to define the structure of the email (rows and columns).

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Drag and drop a 1:2 column Left from the menu into the canvas. This will be the placeholder for the logo image.

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Drag and drop a 1:1 column underneath the previous component. This will be the banner block.

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Drag and drop a 1:2 column Left underneath the previous component. This will be the actual content with an image on the left side and text on the right side.

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Next, drag and drop a 1:1 column underneath the previous component. This will be email's footer. Your canvas should now look like this:

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Next, let's use Content Components to add content inside these blocks. Click on the Content Components menu item

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Drag and drop an Image component in the first cell on the first row. Click Browse.

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You'll then see this. Navigate to the folder enablement-assets and select the file luma-logo.png. Click Select.

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You're now back here:

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Go to Content Components and drag and drop an Image component in the first cell on the first row. Click Browse.

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In the Assets pop-up, go to the enablement-assets folder. In this folder, you'll find all assets previously prepared and uploaded by the creative team. Select module23-thankyou-new.png and click Select.

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You'll then have this:

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Select your image and in the right menu, scroll down until you see the Size width slider component. Use the slider to change the width to f.i. 60%.

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Next, go to Content Components and drag and drop a Text component in the structure component on the fourth row.

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Select the default text Please type your text here. as you would do with any text editor. Write Dear instead. Notice the text toolbar displayed when you are in text mode.

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In the toolbar click the Add personalization icon.

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Next, you need to bring the First name personalization token which is stored under profile.person.name.firstName. In the menu, find the Person element, drill down to the Full Name element, and then click the + icon to add the First Name field onto to expression editor.

Click Save.

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You'll now notice how the personalization field has been added to your text.

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In the same text field, hit Enter twice to add two lines and write Thank you for creating your account with Luma!.

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The final check to perform to ensure your email is ready is to preview it, click on the Simulate Content button.

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Start by identifying which profile you want to use for the preview. Select the email namespace by clicking on the icon next to Enter identity namespace field.

In the list of identity namespaces, select the Email namespace.

In the Identity value field, enter the email address of a previous demo profile that is already stored in the Real-time Customer Profile. For example woutervangeluwe+06022022-01@gmail.com and click on the Find Test Profile button

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Once your profile shows up in the table, click on the Preview tab to access the preview screen.

When the preview is ready, validate that the personalization is correct in the subject line, the body text as well as the unsubscription link is highlighted as an hyperlink.

Click Close to close the preview.

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Click Save to save your message.

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Go back to the message dashboard by clicking the arrow next to the subject line text in the top-left corner.

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You've now completed creating your registration email. Click the arrow in the top left corner to go back to your journey.

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Click Ok.

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7.2.3 Publish your journey

You still need to give your journey a Name. You can do that by clicking the Properties icon in the top right side of your screen.


You can then enter the journey's name here. Please use --demoProfileLdap-- - Account Creation Journey. Click OK to save your changes.


You can now publish your journey by clicking Publish.


Click Publish again.


You'll then see a green confirmation bar saying that your journey is now Published.


You've now finished this exercise.

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