Summary and benefits

Adobe Journey Optimizer - Summary

Congratulations and thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Journey Optimizer and Adobe Experience Platform! In this module, you've learned how to configure an account creation journey by using Adobe Journey Optimizer which is triggered in real-time when the customer creates an account on the website.

Adobe Journey Optimizer is your one stop shop for creating seamless, 1:1 omnichannel experiences. By listening to real-time customer interaction or location events you can now orchestrate 1:1 journeys, leveraging the Real-time Customer Profile along with optional 3rd party data sources to deliver the right message within the right channel at the right time.


Let's highlight the benefits of defining journeys in Adobe Journey Optimizer in combination with Adobe Experience Platform:

  • Communication with customers needs to be real-time and contextual. With Adobe Journey Optimizer, you now have the ability to listen for specific customer-initiated events and carefully curate a contextual journey if and when the customer is going through that specific journey.

  • Orchestrating a journey can involve wait times, conditions whereby data in Adobe Experience Platform is verified to then send the journey into a different path and also, custom actions whereby any application with an API can receive instructions from Adobe Journey Optimizer on what content to show to which customer.

  • Personalizing engagements can now truly happen across any channel that is used to interact with the customer.

For example, you can now –

  • Tailor the experience based on the real time customer data profile, contextual data received from the event, or other proprietary / 3rd party data sources.

  • Deliver a consistent message through broader Adobe applications or leverage any third party service such as chatbots or smart devices.

  • Use insights to further understand your customers’ needs in the moment, and use a mix of tactics to create frictionless opportunities for conversion, along with the data to support attribution efforts.

  • Continue to develop the relationship by understanding what the customer needs at that point in time and coordinating a timely and contextual follow up which will drive repeat purchases and increase customer lifetime value

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