10.2 Configure a batch-based newsletter journey

In this section you will configure a batch email journey to send a newsletter

Login to Adobe Journey Optimizer by going to Adobe Experience Cloud. Click Journey Optimizer.

You'll be redirected to the Home view in Journey Optimizer. First, make sure you're using the correct sandbox. The sandbox to use is called --aepSandboxId--. To change from one sandbox to another, click on PRODUCTION Prod (VA7) and select the sandbox from the list. In this example, the sandbox is named AEP Enablement FY22. You'll then be in the Home view of your sandbox --aepSandboxId--.

10.2.1 Create newsletter journey

You'll now create a batch-based journey. Unlike the event-based journey of the previous exercise which relies on incoming experience events or segment entries or exits to trigger a journey for 1 specific customer, batch-based journeys target a whole segment once with unique content like newsletters, one-off promotions, or generic information or periodically with similar content sent on a regular basis like for instance birthday campaigns and reminders.

In the menu, go to Journeys and click Create Journey.

On the right-hand side you will see a form where you need to specify the journey name and description. Enter the following values:

  • Name: --demoProfileLdap-- - Newsletter Journey. For instance: vangeluw - Newsletter Journey.

  • Description: Monthly Newsletter

Click Ok.

Under Orchestration, drag and drop Read Segment onto the canvas. This means that, once published, the journey will start by retrieving the whole segment audience, which then becomes the target audience of the journey and message. Click Select a segment.

In the Choose a segment popup, search for your ldap and select the segment you created in Module 6 - Real-time CDP - Build a segment and take action named --demoProfileLdap-- - Interest in PROTEUS FITNESS JACKSHIRT. for example: vangeluw - Interest in PROTEUS FITNESS JACKSHIRT. Click Save.

Click Ok.

In the left menu, find the Actions section and drag and drop an Email action onto the canvas.

Set the Category to Marketing and select an email surface that enables you to send email. In this case, the email surface to select is Email. Ensure that the checkboxes for Clicks on email and email opens are both enabled.

The next step is to create your message. To do that, click Edit content.

You now see this. Click the Subject line text field.

Enter this text for the subject line: Luma Newsletter - your monthly update has arrived.. Click Save.

You'll then be back here. Click Email Designer to start creating the email content.

You'll then see this. Click Import HTML.

In the pop-up screen, you'll need to drag and drop the HTML file of the email. You can find the HTML template here. Download the zip-file with the HTML template to your local machine and unzip in onto your desktop.

Drag and drop the file ajo-newsletter.html to upload it in Journey Optimizer. Click Import.

This email content is ready to go since it has all the expected personalization, imagery and text. Only the offer placeholder is left empty.

You might get an error message: Error when trying to fetch assets. This is linked to the image in the email.

If you get this error, select the image and click the Edit image button.

Click Assets Essentials to go back to your AEM Assets Essentials library.

You'll then see this popup. Navigate to the folder enablement-assets and select the image luma-newsletterContent.png. Click Select.

Your basic newsletter email is now ready. Click Save.

Go back to the message dashboard by clicking the arrow next to the subject line text in the top-left corner.

Click the arrow in the top left corner to go back to your journey.

Click Ok to close your email action.

Your newsletter journey is now ready to be published. Before you do so, notice the Schedule section where you can switch this journey from being a one-off to a recurring campaign. Click the Schedule button.

You'll then see this. Select Once.

Select a date and time within the next hour so you can test your journey. Click Ok.

Message send date and time must be within more than one hour.

Click Publish.

Click Publish again.

Your basic newsletter journey is now published. Your newsletter email message will be sent as you defined it in your schedule, and your journey will stop as soon as the last email has been sent.

You have finished this exercise.

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