14.3 Create and configure a custom webhook
Create and configure a custom webhook
Last updated
Create and configure a custom webhook
Last updated
Go to https://webhook.site/. You'll see something like this:
You'll see your unique URL, which looks like this: https://webhook.site/585126a1-41fc-4721-864b-d4aa8c268a1d
This website has now created this webhook for you, and you'll be able to configure this webhook in your [Event Forwarding property] to start testing the forwarding of events.
Go to https://experience.adobe.com/#/data-collection/ and go to Event Forwarding. Search your Event Forwarding property and click it to open it.
In the left menu, go to Data Elements. Click Create New Data Element.
You'll then see a new data element to configure.
Make the following selection:
As the Name, enter XDM Event.
As the Extension, select Core.
As the Data Element Type, select Path.
As the Path, enter arc.event.xdm. By entering this path, you'll be filtering out the XDM section from the event payload that is sent by the website or mobile app into the Adobe Edge.
You'll now have this. Click Save.
In the above path, a reference is made to arc. arc stands for Adobe Resource Context and arc always stands for the highest available object that is available in the Server Side context. Enrichments and transformations may be added to that arc object using Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Server functions.
In the above path, a reference is made to event. event stands for a unique event and Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Server will always evaluate every event individually. Sometimes, you may see a reference to events in the payload sent by Web SDK Client Side, but in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Server, every event is evaluated individually.
In the left menu, go to Rules. Click Create New Rule.
You'll then see a new rule to configure. Enter the Name: All Pages. For this exercise, you won't need to configure a condition. Instead, you'll setup an action. Click the + Add button under Actions.
You'll then see this. Make the following selection:
Select the Extension: Adobe Cloud Connector.
Select the Action Type: Make Fetch Call.
That should give you this Name: Adobe Cloud Connector - Make Fetch Call. You should now see this:
Next, configure the following:
Change the request method from GET to POST
Enter the URL of the custom webhook you created in one of the previous steps on the https://webhook.site/ website, which looks like this: https://webhook.site/585126a1-41fc-4721-864b-d4aa8c268a1d
You should now have this. Next, go to Body.
You'll then see this. Click the data element icon as indicated below.
In the popup, select the data element XDM Event which you created in the previous step. Click Select.
You'll then see this. Click Keep Changes.
You'll then see this. Click Save.
You've now configured your first rule in an Event Forwarding property. Go to Publishing Flow to publish your changes. Open your Development library Main by clicking Edit as indicated.
Click the Add All Changed Resources button, after which you'll see your Rule and Data Element appear in this library. Next, click Save & Build for Development. Your changes are now being deployed.
After a couple of minutes, you'll see that the deployment is done and ready to be tested.
Go to https://builder.adobedemo.com/projects. After logging in with your Adobe ID, you'll see this. Click your website project to open it.
You can now follow the below flow to access the website. Click Integrations.
On the Integrations page, you need to select the Data Collection property that was created in exercise 0.1.
You'll then see your demo website open up. Select the URL and copy it to your clipboard.
Open a new incognito browser window.
Paste the URL of your demo website, which you copied in the previous step. You'll then be asked to login using your Adobe ID.
Select your account type and complete the login process.
You'll then see your website loaded in an incognito browser window. For every demonstration, you'll need to use a fresh, incognito browser window to load your demo website URL.
When you open up your browser Developer View, you can inspect Network requests as indicated below. When you use the filter interact, you'll see the network requests that are sent by Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection Client to the Adobe Edge.
If you select the raw payload, go to https://jsonformatter.org/json-pretty-print and paste the payload. Click Make Pretty. You'll then see the JSON payload, the events object and the xdm object. In one of the previous steps, when you defined the Data Element, you used the reference arc.event.xdm, which will result in you parsing out the xdm object of this payload.
Switch your view to the website https://webhook.site/ which you used in one of the previous steps. You should now have a view similar to this one, with network requests being shown in the left menu. You're seeing the xdm payload that was filter out of the network request that was shown above.
Scroll down a bit in the payload to find the page name, which in this case is vangeluw-OCUC (which is the project name of your demo website).
If you now navigate across the website, you'll see additional network requests becoming available on this custom webhook in real-time.
You've now configured the Server Side Forwarding of Web SDK/XDM payloads to an external custom webhook. In the next exercises, you'll configure a similar approach, and you'll be sending that same data towards Google and AWS environments.