13.2 Configure your Azure Event Hub Destination in Adobe Experience Platform
Segment Activation to Microsoft Azure Event Hub - Setup the Event Hub RTCDP destination in Adobe Experience Platform
Last updated
Segment Activation to Microsoft Azure Event Hub - Setup the Event Hub RTCDP destination in Adobe Experience Platform
Last updated
To define an Event Hub destination in Adobe Experience Platform you need your:
Event Hubs namespace
Event Hub
Azure SAS Key name
Azure SAS Key
Event Hub and EventHub namespace have been defined in the previous exercise: Exercise 1 - Setup Event Hub in Azure
To lookup the above information in Azure Portal, navigate to https://portal.azure.com/#home. Make sure that you are using the correct Azure account.
Select All Resources in Azure Portal:
Look for a resource with resource type Event Hubs Namespace, if you followed the naming conventions used in the previous exercise you Event Hubs Namespace will be --demoProfileLdap---aep-enablement
. Take a note of it, you will need it in the next exercise.
Click on the Event Hubs Namespace name to get the details:
Select Event Hubs to get a list of Event Hubs defined in your Event Hubs Namespace, if you followed the naming conventions used in the previous exercise you will find an Event Hub named --demoProfileLdap---aep-enablement-event-hub
. Take a note of it, you will need it in the next exercise.
Select Shared access policies for your Event Hubs Namespace
You will see a list of Shared access policies. The SAS Key that we are looking for is RootManageSharedAccessKey. This is the SAS Key name. Write it down.
Click on the RootManageSharedAccessKey to get the SAS Key Value. And press the Copy to clipboard icon to copy the Primary key:
At this point you should have identified all the values needed to define the Azure Event Hub destination in Adobe Experience Platform Real-time CDP.
SAS Key Name
SAS Key Value
Event Hubs Namespace
Event Hub
Log in to Adobe Experience Platform by going to this URL: https://experience.adobe.com/platform.
After logging in, you'll land on the homepage of Adobe Experience Platform.
Before you continue, you need to select a sandbox. The sandbox to select is named --aepSandboxId--
. You can do this by clicking the text [Production Prod] in the blue line on top of your screen. After selecting the appropriate sandbox, you'll see the screen change and now you're in your dedicated sandbox.
Go to Destinations, then go to Catalog.
Select Cloud Storage and go to Azure Event Hubs and click Set up or Configure:
Fill in the destination values that you have collected in the previous exercise. Next, click Connect to Destination.
If your credentials were correct, you'll see a confirmation: Connected.
You now need to enter the name and description in the format --demoProfileLdap---aep-enablement
. Enter the eventHubName (see previous exercise, it looks like this: --demoProfileLdap---aep-enablement-event-hub
) and click Next.
Click Save & exit.
Your destination is now created and available in Adobe Experience Platform.