Summary and benefits

Adobe Journey Optimizer - External Weather API, SMS Action & more - Summary

Congratulations and thank you for investing your time in learning about Adobe Journey Optimizer and Adobe Experience Platform! In this module, you've learned how to use Adobe Journey Optimizer to configure a journey that is triggered when a customer enters a specific geofence around a Point Of Interest (POI). When that happens, you've configured and consumed an external data source that gives you access, in real-time, to that POI's current weather data which then influences the path of the journey and the message being sent to the customer. That message was delivered to two actions, an SMS using Journey Optimizer and a Slack channel.


Let's highlight the benefits of using Adobe Journey Optimizer and Adobe Experience Platform:

  • Communication with customers needs to be real-time and contextual. With Adobe Journey Optimizer, you now have the ability to listen for specific customer-initiated events and carefully curate a contextual journey if and when the customer is going through that specific journey.

  • Orchestrating a journey can involve wait times, conditions whereby data in Adobe Experience Platform is verified to then send the journey into a different path, custom external data sources like the Weather API in this example and also, custom actions whereby any application with an API can receive instructions from Adobe Journey Optimizer on what content to show to which customer.

  • Personalizing engagements can now truly happen across any channel that is used to interact with the customer.

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