15 - Stream data from Apache Kafka into Adobe Experience Platform

In this module, you'll learn how to setup your own Apache Kafka cluster, define topics, producers and consumers and stream data into Adobe Experience Platform using the Adobe Experience Platform Sink

Authors: Vivek Tiwari, Nipun Nair, Wouter Van Geluwe

In this module, you'll learn how to setup your own Apache Kafka cluster, define topics, producers and consumers and stream data into Adobe Experience Platform using the Adobe Experience Platform Sink Connector through Kafka Connect.

Learning Objectives

  • Perform a basic setup of a local Kafka cluster

  • Create a Kafka topic, use a Kafka producer and a Kafka consumer

  • Configure Kafka Connect and the Adobe Experience Platform Sink Connector

  • Manually produce events and see those events get ingested in Adobe Experience Platform

  • Use an existing Twitter producer library from Kafka Connect to stream Twitter data into Adobe Experience Platform


Architecture Overview

Have a look at the below architecture, which highlights the components that will be discussed and used in this module.

Sandbox to use

Kindly refer to Exercise 0.0 for instructions on how to find your Sandbox ID and other identifying values.


15.1 Introduction to Apache Kafka

In this exercise, you'll learn about the basics of Apache Kafka

15.2 Install and configure your Kafka cluster

In this exercise, you'll download, install and configure your basic Apache Kafka cluster.

15.3 Configure HTTP API Streaming endpoint in Adobe Experience Platform

In this exercise, you'll configure an HTTP API Source Connector in Adobe Experience Platform.

15.4 Install and configure Kafka Connect and the Adobe Experience Platform Sink Connector

In this exercise, you'll use Kafka Connect to install and use the Adobe Experience Platform Sink Connector and you'll send events into Adobe Experience Platform manually.

Summary and benefits

Summary of this module and overview of the benefits.

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Last updated