0.6 Ingest Data to AEP through the Mobile App

Ingest Data to AEP through the Mobile App

After becoming a known customer, it's time to start using the mobile app. Open the mobile app on your iPhone and then login to the app.

If you don't have the app installed anymore, or if you can't remember how to install it, please have a look here: 0.4 Set up the mobile app

After installing the app as instructed, you'll see the landing page of the app with the Luma brand loaded. Click the account icon in the top-left part of your screen.


On the Login screen, log in with the email address you used on the desktop website. Click Login.


Go to the app's home screen and click to open any product.


You'll then see the product detail page.


Go to the home screen in the app and swipe left on the screen to view the Profile Viewer panel. You'll then see the product you just viewed in the Experience Events section, along with all the product views from the website session before.


Now go back to your desktop computer and refresh the homepage, after which you'll see the product appear there, too.


You've now ingested data into Adobe Experience Platform and you've linked that data to identifiers like ECIDs and email addresses. The goal of this exercise was to understand the business context of what you're about to do. You've now effectively built a real-time, cross-device customer profile. In the next exercise, you'll go ahead and visualize your profile in Adobe Experience Platform.

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