7 - Adobe Journey Optimizer: Orchestration

Adobe Journey Optimizer

Authors: Rob In der Maur, Wouter Van Geluwe

In this module, we will take you through the steps to use Adobe Journey Optimizer. You'll get access to Adobe Journey Optimizer and will be able to configure Events and Journeys that start based on a trigger from an experience event sent to Platform.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to configure Adobe Journey Optimizer events, journeys and actions

  • Learn how to create your own email message using Adobe Journey Optimizer


This tutorial was created to facilitate a particular workshop format. It uses specific systems and accounts to which you might not have access. Even without access, we think you can still learn a lot by reading through this very detailed content. If you're a participant in one of the workshops and need your access credentials, please contact spphelp@adobe.com, who will provide you with the required information.

Architecture Overview

Have a look at the below architecture, which highlights the components that will be discussed and used in this module.

Sandbox to use

Kindly refer to Exercise 0.0 for instructions on how to find your Sandbox ID and other identifying values.


7.1 Create your event

In this exercise, you'll learn how to configure an event.

7.2 Create your journey and email message

In this exercise, you'll learn how to configure an email message.

7.3 Update your Data Collection property and test your journey

This will guide you through the configuration of Launch to trigger your event and provide the right payload and finally, you'll be able to send yourself an email.

Summary and benefits

Summary of this module and overview of the benefits.

Thank you for investing your time in learning all there is to know about Adobe Experience Platform. If you have questions, want to share general feedback of have suggestions on future content, please contact the Solution Partner Portal, by sending an email to spphelp@adobe.com.

Last updated