10.3 Apply personalization in an email message
This exercise explain how to use segment personalization within an email content
Login to Adobe Experience Cloud by going to Adobe Experience Cloud. Click Adobe Journey Optimizer.
You'll be redirected to the Home view in Journey Optimizer. Before you continue, you need to select a sandbox. The sandbox to select is named --aepTenantId--
. You can do this by clicking the text [!UICONTROL Production Prod] in the blue line on top of your screen.
10.3.1 Segment-based personalization
In this exercise you'll improve your newsletter email message with a personalized text based on segment membership.
Go to Journeys. Find the newsletter journey that you have created in the previous exercise. Search for --demoProfileLdap-- - Newsletter
. Click your journey to open it.
You'll then see this. Click Duplicate.
Click Duplicate.
Select your Email action and click Edit content.
Click Email Designer.
You'll then see this.
Open Content Components and drag a Text component below the current newsletter content.
Select the whole default text and delete it. Then click on the Add personalization button in the toolbar.
You'll then see this:
In the left menu, click Segment Memberships.
If you can't find your segment in this list, scroll down a bit to find instructions on how to retrieve the segment ID manually.
Select the segment Luma - Women's Category Interest
and click the + icon, which should look like this:
You should then leave the first line as it is, and replace line 2 and 3 by this code:
`` Psssst... a private sale in the women category will launch soon, we will keep you posted
Thanks for taking the time to read our newsletter. Here is a 10% promo code to use on the website: READER10 {%/if%}
You'll then have this:
Click Validate to make sure the code is correct. Click Save.
You can now save this message by clicking the Save button in the top-right corner. Then, click Simulate Content.
Select one of the profiles you created as part of this tutorial and click Preview. You'll then see the result of your configuration.
You'll then see this. Then, click Close.
Go back to the message dashboard by clicking the arrow next to the subject line text in the top-left corner.
Click the arrow in the top left corner to go back to your journey.
Click Ok to close your email action.
Change your Schedule to Once and define a Date/Time. Click Ok.
Message send date and time must be within more than one hour.
Click on the Publish button in the journey.
In the pop-up window, click Publish again.
Your basic newsletter journey is now published. Your newsletter email message will be sent based on your schedule and your journey will stop as soon as the last email has been sent.
You have finished this exercise.
Last updated