2.3 Configure Datasets

Foundation - Data Ingestion - Configure Datasets

In this exercise, you'll configure the required datasets to capture and store profile information and customer behavior. Every dataset that you create in this will use one of the schemas that you built in the previous step.


After defining what the answer to the questions Who is this customer? and What does this customer do? should look like, you now need to create a bucket that uses that information, to receive and validate data that was sent to Adobe Experience Platform.

2.3.1 - Create Datasets

You now need to create 2 datasets:

  • 1 dataset to capture the information that answers the Who is this customer? - question.

  • 1 dataset to capture the information that answers the What does this customer do? - question.

Log in to Adobe Experience Platform by going to this URL: https://experience.adobe.com/platform.

After logging in, you'll land on the homepage of Adobe Experience Platform.

Before you continue, you need to select a sandbox. The sandbox to select is named --module2sandbox--. You can do this by clicking the text Production Prod in the blue line on top of your screen. After selecting the appropriate sandbox, you'll see the screen change and now you're in your dedicated sandbox.

In Adobe Experience Platform, click on Datasets in the menu on the left side of your screen. You'll then see this:

Let's start by creating the dataset to capture the website registration information.

You should create a new dataset. To create a new dataset, click on the button + Create Dataset.

After clicking the + Create Dataset button, you'll see the following screen.

You have to define a dataset from the schema that you defined in the previous step. Click the Create Dataset from Schema - option.

In the next screen, you have to select the schema that you created in 1, --demoProfileLdap-- - Demo System - Profile Schema for Website.

After selecting the schema, click Next to continue.

Let's give a name to your dataset.

As the name for our dataset, use this:

--demoProfileLdap-- - Demo System - Profile Dataset for Website

As an example, for ldap vangeluw, this should be the name of the schema:

vangeluw - Demo System - Profile Dataset for Website

That should give you something like this:

Click Finish to finish your dataset configuration.

You'll now see this:

Go back to the Datasets overview. You'll now see the dataset you created pop up in the overview.

Next, you'll configure a second dataset to capture website interactions.

You should create a new dataset. To create a new dataset, click on the button + Create Dataset.

After clicking the + Create Dataset button, you'll see the following screen.

You have to define a dataset from the schema that you defined in the previous step. Click the Create Dataset from Schema - option.

In the next screen, you have to select the schema that you created in 2.2, --demoProfileLdap-- - Demo System - Event Schema for Website.

After selecting the schema, click Next to continue.

Let's give a name to your dataset.

As the name for our dataset, we'll use this:

--demoProfileLdap-- - Demo System - Event Dataset for Website

As an example, for ldap vangeluw, this should be the name of the schema:

vangeluw - Demo System - Event Dataset for Website

That should give you something like this:

Click Finish to finish your dataset configuration.

You'll then see this:

Go back to the Datasets overview screen.

You now have to enable your datasets to be part of Adobe Experience Platform's Real-time Customer Profile.

Open your dataset --demoProfileLdap-- - Demo System - Profile Dataset for Website by clicking it.

Locate the Profile toggle icon on the right side of the screen.

Click the Profile toggle to enable this dataset for Profile.

Click the Enable.

Your dataset is now enabled for Profile.

Go back to the datasets overview and open your dataset --demoProfileLdap-- - Demo System - Event Dataset for Website by clicking it.

Locate the Profile toggle icon on the right side of the screen.

Click the Profile toggle to enable Profile.

Click Enable].

Your dataset is now enabled for Profile.

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