0.0 Which environment do I use?
Getting Started - Which environment do I use?
Last updated
Getting Started - Which environment do I use?
Last updated
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Throughout this tutorial, you will see the following keys:
Org-specific identifier: alphanumeric string of form xxxxxxxx@AdobeOrg
AEP Tenant ID
Org-specific identifier
Sandbox ID
Environment-specific identifier
Demo Profile LDAP
Your full email address (non-Adobe employees), or text before the @-symbol in your email address (Adobe employees)
An organization (Org ID) is the entity that enables an administrator to configure groups and users, and to control single sign-on in the Experience Cloud.
You can view your organization ID, along with other account information, using a the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+i
from any page at https://experience.adobe.com to open up the Data Debugger.
Under the 'User Information' tab, you will find the 'Current Org ID' field, which has the IMS Org ID.
The AEP Tenant ID can be found in the URL: https://experience.adobe.com/#/@xxxx
For example, the AEP Tenant ID for https://experience.adobe.com/#/@aeppartner1 would be '_aeppartner1'
Please remember to prepend an underscore ('_') before the Tenant ID when using it for AEP purposes.
The Sandbox ID is an identifier for the AEP environment a user is working in.
It can be found in the URL after 'sname': https://experience.adobe.com/#/@aeppartner1/sname:xxxxx
For example, the Sandbox ID for https://experience.adobe.com/#/@aeppartner1/sname:aepenablementyfy21 would be 'aepenablementyfy21'
The LDAP is your full email address (non-Adobe employees), or text before the @-symbol in your email address (Adobe employees)
Adobe Employees: If your email address is vangeluw@adobe.com, the LDAP you enter here should be vangeluw)
Kindly reach out to your sandbox administrator or spphelp@adobe.com if you have any difficulties with access