8.1 Define an event
Adobe Journey Optimizer - External Weather API, SMS Action & more
Login to Adobe Journey Optimizer by going to Adobe Experience Cloud. Click Journey Optimizer.
You'll be redirected to the Home view in Journey Optimizer. First, make sure you're using the correct sandbox. The sandbox to use is called --aepSandboxId--
. To change from one sandbox to another, click on PRODUCTION Prod (VA7) and select the sandbox from the list. In this example, the sandbox is named AEP Enablement FY22. You'll then be in the Home view of your sandbox --aepSandboxId--
In the left menu, scroll down and click Configurations. Next, click the Manage button under Events.
You'll then see an overview of all available events. Click Create Event to start creating your own event.
A new, empty event window will then pop up.
As a Name for the Event, use --demoProfileLdap--GeofenceEntry
. In this example, the Event Name is vangeluwGeofenceEntry
Set Description to: Geofence Entry Event
Next, make sure the Type is set to Unitary, and for the Event ID Type selection, select System Generated
Next, you need to select a schema. All schemas that are shown here, are Adobe Experience Platform Schemas.
You'll notice that not all schemas are shown. There are many more schemas available in Adobe Experience Platform. To show up in this list, a schema needs to have a very specific field group linked to it. The field group that is needed to show up here is called Orchestration eventID
Let's have a quick look how these schemas are defined in Adobe Experience Platform.
In the left menu, go to Schemas and open this in a new browser tab. In Schemas, go to Browse to see the list of available Schemas. Open the Schema Demo System - Event Schema for Website (Global v1.1)
After opening the Schema, you'll see that the field group Orchestration eventID
is part of the schema. This field group only has two fields, _experience.campaign.orchestration.eventID
and originJourneyID
Once this field group and this specific eventID field are part of a schema, that schema will be available for usage by Adobe Journey Optimizer.
Go back to your event configuration in Adobe Journey Optimizer.
In this use case, you want to listen to a Geofence Event to understand if a customer is in a specific location, so now, select the Schema Demo System - Event Schema for Website (Global v1.1)
as the Schema for your Event.
Adobe Journey Optimizer will then automatically select some required fields, but you can edit the fields that are made available to Adobe Journey Optimizer.
Click the pencil icon to edit the fields.
You'll then see a popup-window with a schema hierarchy that allows you to select fields.
Fields like the ECID and the Orchestration eventID are required and as such preselected.
However, a marketeer needs to have flexible access to all data points that provide context to a Journey. So let's make sure to select the following fields as a minimum as well (found within the Place context node):
Once that's done, click OK.
Adobe Journey Optimizer also needs an Identifier to identify the customer. Since Adobe Journey Optimizer is linked to Adobe Experience Platform, the Primary Identifier of a Schema is automatically taken as the Identifier for the Journey. The Primary Identifier will also automatically take into account the full Identity Graph of Adobe Experience Platform and will link all behavior across all available identities, devices and channels to the same profile, so that Adobe Journey Optimizer is contextual, relevant and consistent.
Click Save to save your custom event.
Your event will then be part of the list of available events.
Finally, you need to recover the Orchestration eventID
for your custom event.
Open your event again by clicking it in the list of events. On your Event, click on the View Payload icon next to Fields.
Clicking the View Payload icon opens up a sample XDM payload for this event.
Scroll down in the Payload until you see the line eventID
Write down the eventID
as you'll need it in the last to test your configuration.
In this example, the eventID
is fa42ab7982ba55f039eacec24c1e32e5c51b310c67f0fa559ab49b89b63f4934
You've now defined the event that will trigger the journey we're building. Once the journey is triggered, the geofence-fields like City, and any others you may have chosen (like Country, Latitude and Longitude) will be made available to the journey.
As discussed in the use-case description, we then need to provide contextual promotions that depend on the weather. In order to get weather information, we'll need to define an external data sources that will provide us with the weather information for that location. You'll use the OpenWeather service to provide us what that information, as part of 2.
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