0.1 Use Demo System Next to setup your Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection client property
Getting Started - Use Demo System Next to setup your Launch property
Last updated
Getting Started - Use Demo System Next to setup your Launch property
Last updated
Once you've got access to Demo System, proceed with the below steps.
Go to https://dashboard.adobedemo.com/. Select your sandbox and click Quick Setup.
You'll see this:
Under General - Environment, select your Adobe Experience Platform instance and your sandbox, in this case:
Experience Platform International
Configuration: please select Global v2.0
Next, select the preset Enablement User and click Start.
In the popup, enter a name for your Data Collection property. Please use this naming convention: Demo System (DD/MM/YYYY). FYI: your LDAP will be appended automatically, you do not need to add it yourself.
Click Start.
You'll then see this popup, which is showing you the progress while creating your website and mobile app projects and your data collection properties.
Once the quick setup process has completed, you'll have:
1 Web Retail project, which makes it possible to use a demo website with the Luma demo brand
1 Mobile Retail project, which makes it possible to use a demo mobile app with the Luma demo brand
1 CX App Retail project, which makes it possible to use a call center and clienteling app with the Luma demo brand
1 Data Collection property for web, which you'll use to collect data from the website
1 Data Collection property for mobile, which you'll use to collect data from the mobile app
Keep this screen open as you'll need it in the next steps.